Taking risks means that the person should not worry about his/her safety. This also includes the fact that the person could even die if he is taking a risks. Many who want thrill and excitement in their lives are taking risks. They most likely do not fear for their lives.
Many do prefer to be safe than to take risks. These people are those who are afraid of their lives. They rather stay safe than to take risks. By not taking risks these people play safe. Majority feels better to be safe. However there are still minorities who do take risks. Many do activities such as diving and bunji jumping for the fun they get and do not worry about their lives.
Qn 2) It is foolish to look for excitement in dangerous activities. Do you agree?
Dangerous activities are not safe to do. However at times certain dangerous activities could bring the fun and excitement that the person expects. For example, bunji jumping could be dangerous, but many feel the thrill in this activity. They rely totally on the rope and risk their lives to jump off the cliff. The probability for the rope to break off is low, but yet it’s not zero. There is still chance for it to break. This may be the dangerous part of the activity that the people should worry about.
It is also not right to expect excitement from dangerous activities. Life comes before excitement. By going after excitement there may be chances for the person to lose his/her life. This factor is very important to be concerned about.
Qn3) Women in society. What are their roles these days?
In the past, women were considered as housewives who do not have a word to be said in the family. They were not given the opportunity to study nor work. This leads them to be uneducated and jobless, thus have to rely on their husband to live. They stayed at home cooking and taking care of their children.
However, things these days are changing. Women have been given equal rights just like men, to do things. They are allowed to study and moreover given the chance to make their own future. They are not forced to get married and settle down with a family that fast.
Qn4) Qualities that you would look for in a friend.
A friend is someone who aids the person with help when he/she needs it. Many imagine their friends to be the best person in their life. Some even treat their friends better than their parents. However the true meaning of friends is that he/she must be always there when you are in a problem. Not only that, they must be trust worthy to keep secrets. Friends are always the best listening ear for secrets to be told.
On the whole a friend should be the person you can totally believe in. That friend should make you feel that you are special to him/her.
Qn5) Advancement in medical knowledge. Boon or bane?
Medical is an important factor in a country. It provides the country with health facilities. Every century, new life killing deceases are found. To be able to fight back such illness, medical is needed. By improving in medical, new medicines are found and better ways are created to keep the nation clean and decease free.
Advancement in medical is definitely blessing as many lives could be saved every time. Not only that, by knowing the new medicines, it is faster for patients to be cured. Moreover, the nation’s hospital facilities would also improve through this.
Qns6) Would the world have been a safer and cleaner place without science?
The world would not have improved this far without science. Singapore would not have grown without science. It would not have gotten the chance to create “NeWater” without science.
Science always has its own path. It’s not the fact of safe or clean it is. It’s about how to use science. For example, during various science experiments, procedures are given, but when those procedures are not followed it leads to distraction and explosion. Thus when science is being followed wisely, it is still safer and cleaner.
Qns7) Science has done much harm than good! Do you agree?
Science had brought great achievements to the world. Such achievement is the satellite. Satellite had brought much information of our neighbouring planets.
However not all achievements are good to the world. For example, due to science and technology, we are now enabled to travel around as and when we like, but we are not much aware of the harmful gases produced into the world through this. This could be an example of hoe science is not safe to the world.